Too Cool for Internet Explorer

domenica 7 dicembre 2008

Creating multipage print-ready books from PDF

Today I got the need to print a manual in pdf format downloaded from the internet, and realized that printing all pages in A4 format was too paper and size expensive. So I decided to opt for a multipage layout, but until today I always printed the pages in sequential order, and this time I needed a to create a double-sided two-page paginated spread.

This can be easily done with opensource psutils package, and lets you print multiple-page documents such as booklets and pamphlets.

the command simply is

 $ pdf2ps $input - | psbook | psnup -2 | ps2pdf14 -sPAPERSIZE=a4 - $output 

where $input is the file with the pages in sequential order, and $output the printable PDF generated.

1 commento:

Unknown ha detto...

thank you, very useful!