Too Cool for Internet Explorer

mercoledì 8 ottobre 2008 search-field XSS vulnerability

Playing around with firebug and hackbar I discovered a cross site scripting vulnerability in the University of Trento home page. Very simple but effective.

The exploit looks like this:

Javascript injection works without restrictions, and html injection of course too. So I build a simple exploit in honor of my friend Maurizio Grasso, take a look at it:

I encourage all of you to install the "noscript" plugin for firefox, that blocks such an attack very easily.

10 commenti:

Unknown ha detto...

Ogni volta che guardo quella pagina non riesco a non scoppiare a ridere!! Mauri.

Thomas Forrer ha detto...

He is too lame to write in english..

Unknown ha detto...

Fuck you :D

@tomic ha detto...

What a nice web site!
The only problem is... that I cannot understand any single word related to the vaste universe of net-technologies... ;)

Thomas Forrer ha detto...

hi cousin! welcome to my blog!
It doesn't matter if you don't understand, your comments are always welcome. At least the counter of visitors will be increased :P

Unknown ha detto...

The example is very original ;)

Unknown ha detto...

yeah, i don't know why thomas always speaks about me in his topics...maybe..he is...... :P

@tomic ha detto...

...A female comment is always a note of colour in this blog...

...Un commentaire féminin est toujours un commentaire de couleur dans ce blog...

...женский комментарий - это всегда одно примечание цвета в этом журнале...

CAPITO??? ;)

Ivan ha detto...

Ciao Thomas... io pero' ti scrivo in italiano :). Buona giornata alla ricerca di vulnerabilita' ;)

Thomas Forrer ha detto...

eheh u'r right :)

..I think you didn't read the unitn link carefully (on who is ...)

@@tomic: (double '@' lol..)
yeah, the only women that knows what to say/write at every minute of his life (..maybe its always crap.. lol)

Grande ivan che sei passato, ho dato 1 occhiata anche io al tuo blog,appena ho tempo ci posto qualcosina..
..cmq ho delle nuove vulnerabilità da postare, però prima voglio indagare e decidere su cosa pubblicare o meno,dato che il gray-hat hacking non è mai visto molto bene :P